Thursday, June 9, 2016

Session 6

Heroes: Alric, Keothag, Druid, Sinhim, Gothos

The Heroes report their findings to the gnome leaders, and after a little rest they return to Rockblight, looking for more menaces. In a dark cave, they find a fearsome medusa. Keothag almost falls to the petrifying gaze of the monster, but eventually resists the evil spell. After a difficult fight, constantly trying to avoid the eyes of the medusa, Gothos forces a steel mirror in front of her eyes, and the monster turns to stone. The Heroes bring the medusa's head to the captain of the guards, to collect the reward.

Back in Rockblight, they seek Ogremoch's Bane, the evil entity tainting the gnome caverns. They find the corrupt elemental guarded by more stone guardians, animated statues and gargoyles. When the guardians are defeated, they perform a ritual of banishment using the scrolls previously obtained from the gnome high priest. Unable to oppose the powerful magic, the evil spirit disappears, hopefully forever banished from Blingdenstone.

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