Friday, June 3, 2016

Session 5

Heroes: Gothos, Keothag, Alric, Druid

The Heroes meet chief Dorbo, informing him of the arrival of Demogorgon. Not sure if he should believe them or not, Dorbo decides to test them, while at the same time taking care of a few issues troubling the gnomes.
Blingdenstone has been reclaimed from the drow a decennia ago, but there're still a few sections of the town infested with all sort of monsters and evil creatures. The Heroes decide to first take care of the evil elemental spirits occupying the Stone Heart Enclave, the religious center of Blingdenstone.
From the svirfneblin high-priest, they receive a magical gem capable of restore the desecrated temple; but first, they need to fight the evil entities occupying the dark tunnels. On their way, the Heroes meet an angry gnome ghost; his demented scream affects Keothag greatly, turning him into an old goliath. Though also afflicted, Druid's elven longevity makes the effect less obvious.
Galeb Duhr
In the main temple, the Heroes place the magic gem in its designated place. But when they do that, a crazed earth elemental appears to crush them! The Heroes fight the entity and destroy it, in this way summoning the ancient guardians of the temple, the Galeb Duhr. When one more evil elemental appears, the Galeb Duhr help the Heroes, and together they defeat this last monster. Light shines from the gem, as the temple is restored to its former glory.
The Heroes prepare to travel back, keeping their eyes open. Danger still lurks in the tunnels.

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