Friday, November 11, 2016

Session 15

Heroes: Alric, Gothos, Sinhim

The Heroes defeat the fire snake, and decapitate the salamander. They gather its head, and proceed to the upper levels of the compound, where they find an ancient magical portal surrouned by alcoves containing skulls. When they position the salamander skull inside the one empty alcove, the portal activates.

When they cross the portal, they find themselves in a vast tunnel. Ahead of them they can see an exit, and the blue of the morning sky. Yet their happiness is short-lived. As they move to the exit, a hunting party of dark elves from Velkynvelve gives them chase. The Heroes run to the open, and hide among the surrounding trees. The dark elves, at a disadvantage in the light of the sun, go back to the tunnel, and do not return.

The Heroes wander the wilds, eventualy finding their way to the town of Triboar. They spend a few days carousing, then they join a caravan bound to Waterdeep. On the way, they defend the caravan from a band of marauding hobgoblins.

After almost two tendays of travel, they spot the walls of Waterdeep on the horizon. Have they finally left the dread of the Underdark behind them?

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