Saturday, October 8, 2016

Session 14

Heroes: Gothos, Sinhim, Alric

The Heroes interrogate Droki, and find out about a shady organization called the Grey Ghosts active in the duergar city. But most importantly, they learn from their prisoner of a "portal" that will finally bring them to the world above.

They decide to keep the dragon egg for themselves, and flee the city together with Droki, to reach the abandoned dwarven outpost where the portal is said to be.

In the outpost, they find several giant-sized vermins infesting the place, and a few infernal creatures. From a captured imp, they learn that in order to activate the portal, they'll need the skull of a salamander, an elemental creature of fire lurking in the lower levels of the outpost.

With their minds set on leaving the Underdark behind, the Heroes descend to the fiery lower levels, ready to face the mighty salamander, and its fire snake minions.

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