Friday, July 1, 2016

Session 8

Heroes: Alric, Keothag, Druid, Sinhim, Gothos

As planned, the deep gnomes attack the ooze legions, while the Heroes sneak inside the domain of the Pudding King. After a few battles against wandering oozes, they find the Pudding King in his throne room, together with two big specimens of black pudding and gray ooze. The Heroes engage in battle, and slaughter the oozes and the mad gnome. As the Pudding King's head rolls to the ground, the remaining oozes loose purpose, and are easily contained by the united forces of the svirfneblin. Having saved Blingdenstone from disaster, the Heroes rest for a couple of days, and then leave the town, bound to Neverlight Grove, a myconid enclave.

While travelling the vast tunnels of the Underdark, they spot a compound guarded by a monstrous giant. When they kill the giant, they begin hearing the voice of a woman seeking aid. Looking for her in the compound, they soon realise they've entered an ancient Netherese tomb. Inside, they face deadly traps, and life-draining undead. When they search one of the sarcophagi, they find a hidden passage, leading them nearer to the voice crying for help.

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