Thursday, May 26, 2016

Session 4

Heroes: Alric, Gothos, Sinhim, Keothag

At the altar of the Deep Father, a ceremony is taking place. A duergar is about to be sacrificed to the Limogugu, the dark power venerated by the daughter of the high-priest. The Heroes spring to action before the ritual is completed, and attack the evil kuo-toa.  

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But when the priestess falls, the waters of the dark lake ripple, and fiendish manta rays appear in the cave. As the screams of the kuo-toas fill the cavern, a huge two-headed monstrosity raises from the murky waters. The Heroes gaze in horror, as the demon lord Demogorgon flails his tentacles and kills the kuo-toas by the score! Taking advantage of the chaos, the Heroes escape the doomed town.

After a few days of travel, they arrive in Sinhim's hometown of Blingdenstone. The gnomes are apparently having some troubles with oozes of late. The Heroes offer to help, and ask to speak with the leaders of the town, as they bring dark tidings of a great evil loose in the Underdark.

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